Independent Living Helpful Links
Independent Living Helpful Links

Independent Living Helpful Links

We've collected some extra resources for you

Independent Living Resources

Transitioning to adulthood isn’t easy for any teen, let alone a teen in foster care. DePaul’s independent living team is here to help. We invite you to call your local DePaul office and ask to speak to a foster care specialist to learn about ways DePaul can help support a teen aging out of foster care. Our foster care specialists will be glad to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Additionally, the following resources have been collected to aid you and your foster youth in the transition to adulthood.

AmeriCorps places thousands of young adults into intensive service positions where they learn valuable work skills, earn money for education, and develop an appreciation for citizenship.

Foster Care to Success works with college-bound foster youth to help them understand and access college, determine achievable career goals, and understand the importance of personal fiscal responsibility.

Northwest Media offers a wide variety of training resources for purchase on topics such as independent living, teen parenting, trauma, behavior management, family relationships and more.

Here are some additional resources:









Independent Living